Contact Us page has an Interactive Google Map that shows the location of Carmelon offices. The map is located in the contact form on the left and below the text that contains the address of the company (16 Ha’Pius St., Herzliya ) , phone number ( +972-9-9565896 ) and the email address of the company ( ) .
The company’s offices are located in 16 Ha’Pius St., Herzliya, near the corner of the main streets of Beitar St. and Arlozorov St. – Go west from Beitar to Arlozorov , and further south at Arlozorov St. in order to reach to the eastern part of Ha’pius St. were the company’s offices are located at house No #16 .
The Offices are marked on the map with the company logo . You can reduce or enlarge the map ( zoom in / out ) , with the scale bar located on the left side of the map , and at the top a plus sign to increase, decrease and a minus sign ( zoom out ) . Above the bar , there is a symbol of a human figure in yellow . Dragging this icon will activate the service map (” Street View ” by Google), and will show photo of the place were the symbol is located . Also, you can view the satellite image of the office location (this choice exists at the top of the map ,on the right ) . At the bottom of the map there are also Technical links :map error report (link to the right , the English text report a map error ,( next to link of terms of use )- This is a Google Page showing the terms of use of Google services, and on left information on the map (Text in English – Map data © 2014 Google, Mapa GISrael).
In this Current page there is a picture version of the map – This is a picture of the map described above , which shows the same region but without the interactive options .
Direction Map to Carmelon Offices Address (16 Ha’Pius St., Herzliya)