How many SEO experts do you follow on Twitter? Do you also follow Twitter lists which include SEO professionals? You may not be an avid Twitter user, but there’s great value in following SEO experts on this social network because you can see their news and tips in real time – this is a competitive advantage for your business.
The list we are providing today is not based on number of followers, but on reputation, and on the value of the updates offered by these pundits. Don’t be surprised if you don’t find some names of famous people – this can happen for various reasons. For example, Matt Cutts, the former head of the webspam team at Google is now working for the United States Digital Service and his Twitter updates no longer address SEO trends.
Other experts may tweet a lot about things that are not related to SEO and online marketing. We want to keep this list as clutter-free as possible, to help you save time in your searches for the most relevant SEO content. Here are some criteria used in compiling this list:
- Include reputed SEO experts with verified accounts.
- Only include experts that tweet often about real SEO, content marketing, SEM, mobile-first, Google, analytics, AI, trends, etc.
- Avoid accounts that focus too much on controversial topics that are irrelevant for users interested in learning about SEO and online marketing.
- Include SEO experts that are currently active within the industry.
Without further ado, here are the top SEO pundits you should follow on Twitter to keep up with the newest SEO trends.
- Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) is Google's public @searchliaison: helping people better understand search & Google better hear public feedback.
- Rand Fishkin (@randfish) the former founder of @Moz, now founder of @SparkToro. He still tweets about marketing and SEO. And his insight is more than valuable: “Best way to sell something - don't sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.”
- Neil Patel (@neilpatel) is amazing for actionable and in-depth how-to guides that will help you boost your online business.
- Dharmesh Shah (@dharmesh), Founder/CTO @HubSpot, offers timely updates on marketing and research.
- Avinash Kaushik (@avinash), the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google is the author of two bestselling books: Web Analytics 2.0, and Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. Like Neil Patel he means serious business and he only tweets highly-specific actionable tips and links to in-depth research.
- Kristopher B. Jones (@krisjonescom) is another top SEO pundit to follow on Twitter for tweets that don’t waste your time.
- Sam Hurley (@Sam___Hurley) is “The Guy Who Went From 'Nobody' to #1 Marketing Influencer in 15 Months (Without a Website) 🚀 Featured in: @entrepreneur @inc @fastcompany @Forbes @TheNextWeb.” He describes himself as a “kindness enthusiast.” His tweets alternate SEO tips and inspirational quotes.
- Rob Ross (@Rob_Ross) is another SEO expert who hopes to put a smile on your face every now and then. He is currently a Project Manager at Sunwing.
- Garth O'Brien (@garthobrien), the Global Head of SEO for GoDaddy, posts very interesting updates, although he tends to focus more on politics than marketing. Nevertheless, you don’t want to miss this account.
- Lee Odden (@leeodden), the CEO of @TopRank Marketing, is one of the most respected industry experts and his tweets are always focused on tips that bring value to your business.
- Barry Schwartz (@rustybrick) is watching Google like a hawk and reports in real time about everything the great search engine giant does. His blog, Search Engine Roundtable reports on the most interesting threads taking place at the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) forums.
- Bryan Quinn (@BryanQuinn) is a social media consultant with a very interesting Twitter feed featuring loads of excellent how-to resources and lists.
- Mandy McEwen (@MandyModGirl) is a brilliant profile to follow to learn how to generate LinkedIn leads.
- Ann Smarty (@seosmarty), the current Brand Manager @NinjasMarketing is an SEO veteran with a strong online footprint. Great Twitter feed for tips, news, resources, and more.
- Chris Makara (@ChrisMakara) tweets often about SEO and online marketing. Highly-valuable content that helps you learn.
- Brandon Moore (@brandomoore) is Web & Digital Director @Sales_Hub and his Twitter feed is a great resource, featuring all kinds of sales and marketing articles.
- Andrew Shotland (@localseoguide) – as his Twitter handle suggests, he obviously tweets about SEO in general, plus very interesting “SEO tips of the day.”
- Pam Moore (@PamMktgNut), a Forbes Top 10 socialmedia influencer, is a must for tweets about sales, gaining more customers, and all kinds of marketing tips.
- Brian Clark (@brianclark) has a rather personal account, but for SEO and marketing updates you should follow @copyblogger and @studiopress, which he both founded.
- Shama Hyder (@Shama), Founder and CEO Zen Media, tweets about influencer marketing, branding, and other useful tools to help your business stand out.
- Aleyda Solis (@aleyda) is the founder of @Orainti and @Remotersnet, and a columnist for Search Engine Land. She offers useful tweets about SEO and content marketing.
- Cyrus Shepard (@CyrusShepard), the Former Director of SEO & Audience Dev @Moz, tweets a lot about SEO and the most important issues within the industry.
- Douglas Karr (@douglaskarr), CEO of DK New Media, has excellent SEO and blogging tips.
- Andy Beal (@AndyBeal) is an expert in online reputation management and his Twitter feed reflects his expertise.
- Shane Barker (@shane_barker) – great to follow for content marketing strategy tweets.
- Angie Schottmuller (@aschottmuller) is a Forbes top-rated online marketer who tweets about SEO, content, UX, usability, and more.
- Joost de Valk (@jdevalk) – don’t let his small number of followers fool you, @jdevalk is a must-follow. He is the CEO and founder of @Yoast, a top SEO plugin used in WordPress. His feed is full of useful articles and plugin updates.
- Barry Adams (@badams) is a specialist in tech SEO and news SEO and his Twitter feed reflects his expertise.
- Loren Baker (@lorenbaker) has a stellar reputation as an SEO pioneer and the founder of Search Engine Journal.
- Chris Boggs (@boggles) has been involved in digital marketing since 2000 and offers useful advice on Twitter too.
- Brent Csutoras (@brentcsutoras) is social media strategist, SEO expert, speaker, entrepreneur, and futurist. He’s also a managing partner at the reputed Search Engine Journal.
- Annie Cushing (@AnnieCushing) is an expert in website SEO audit and offers a great collection of tips and links related to this topic.
- Gary Illyes (@methode) is a webmaster trends analyst at Google, which is reason enough for you to follow his updates on Twitter.
- Michelle Robbins (@MichelleRobbins), SVP Content & Marketing Technology @ThirdDoorMedia, she is also Editor in Chief @MarTechToday, @SEngineLand, and @MarketingLand. Her feed offers a wealth of useful information on SEO, mobile-first indexing, SEM, and much more.
- Lisa Myers (@LisaDMyers), CEO & Founder of @VerveSearch, alternates personal and fun tweets with news about her agency, SEO conferences, and highly-relevant SEO-related retweets.
The list could go on, but it is intended as a starter to help you compile your own, highly-relevant SEO Twitter list. If you feel like we should include other SEO experts too, please drop up a note in the comments. Let us know why you think a certain SEO professional should be included and we will be happy to update the list. In the future we will compile lists of SEO professionals to follow on LinkedIn, and Facebook. As you know, updates on these networks are usually different than what you find in real-time on Twitter.
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