Conversion Rate

Conversion rate defines the ratio between the overall numbers of visitors to a certain website compared to the number of website visitors that perform an action desired by the website operator.

For example, visitors who take an action such as filling out a registration form or a questionnaire, subscribing to a newsletter or a blog, submitting details or comments, purchasing a product or ordering a service. Website administrative pages count everyone who views a page, and counts again each visitor who participates to determine the conversion rate score.

The higher that conversion ratio is, the higher search engines score the website. Higher conversion rates entitle the website owner to certain privileges like higher ranking on search engine pages, which translates to more visibility, more traffic and higher profits.

Call To Action

A Call to Action (CTA) is an advertising and marketing concept, a way to persuade a person to ‘do something’, and perform a desired action. It is often the next step that the visitor could take toward the purchase of a product or service.
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Canonical URL

A canonical URL is designed to eliminate one of the most common problems that websites experience – duplicated content.
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A content management system (CMS) enables the website operator to update content, edit text, erase pages, and add images and other features to the website. The CMS allows anyone to easily manage their content or website using a comfortable, user-friendly interface.
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Content Marketing

Content marketing is marketing strategy approach of creating content that a target audience finds relevant and valuable and attracting existing and potential customers through content creation.
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Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising, also known as dependent advertising, serves ads in a way relevant to users by making the connection between the individual viewing a web page and their browsing history, online characteristics or assumed areas of interest.
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Conversion Rate

Conversion rate defines the ratio between the overall numbers of visitors to a certain website compared to the number of website visitors that perform an action desired by the website operator.
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CPA – Cost Per Action

Cost per action, or cost per acquisition (CPA) is a professional term in the field of website promotion that describes managing a campaign whereby an advertiser will pay a commission on a purchase that has been made by a user, after clicking through to that advertiser’s website from a contracted referral site.
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CPC - Cost Paid per Click

The Cost Paid per Click (also referred to CPC, Pay Per Click, PPC or Paid Search Marketing) is the amount search engines charge advertisers.
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CPL – Cost Per Lead

Cost per Lead (CPL) is a term that describes a payment for a lead, in campaigns in which the user takes a certain action in an advertiser’s website or portal.
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CTR - click-through rate

click-through rate (CTR) (or click rate) is the average number of click per hundred ad impressions, expressed as a percentage (Represented as: total clicks / total impressions for a specific ad = CTR).
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