Friendly URL

One of the most important actions in organic web promotion is creating a Friendly URL, which usually consists of a domain name, followed by a slash (/), followed by the name of the page. A Friendly URL contributes to a higher ranking in the search engines, and helps users find the specific website or page they desire.

For the most part, it’s common for the URL to be made up of keywords that appear in the navigation buttons, as well as in the ‘Title’ and ‘H1’. For example – ht will bring the user directly to the website’s glossary page as defined by the refinement “…/glossary/”. Furthermore, it’s recommended to develop the URL language according to a website’s hierarchy and matching the pages’ importance.

Friendly URL

One of the most important actions in organic web promotion is creating a Friendly URL, which usually consists of a domain name, followed by a slash (/), followed by the name of the page.
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