YouTube & Video Advertising

Video Advertising reaches consumers through visual content      

Video Advertising is a smart marketing strategy that engages users through visual content. It fosters brand awareness, storytelling, and creativity, and has the potential to drive highly targeted ROI and maximize online conversion rates.

However, it’s still a young industry and there are many challenges for inexperienced business owners. Your best bet is to hire a company with a strong, proven track record of success – and because we have been around since the dawn of Internet marketing serving countless of clients, you can count on us to deliver video advertising campaigns that yield results.

Video Advertising is a paid marketing strategy that generally refers to ads displayed before, during, or after a video stream on the Internet. Video ads can be textual, rich media, static images, banners, or text ads. The best platforms to run video ad campaigns are Google Display Network, YouTube, and Facebook.

Types of video ads include:

  • In-stream – which typically include before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll), or after (post-roll display ads in different formats: short bumper-ads (or micro video ads), text, or standard banner ads.
  • Out-stream in-read ads – custom video units that “autoplay” on a display network site, typically on mute, when a user scrolls on a page. They are common on Facebook and other social networks.
  • In-banner video ads – used for display ad marketing in the Google Display Network. They integrate as rich media in banner ads.

There are many reasons why video ads work. Among them:

  • About 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store (ThinkWithGoogle).
  • 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool (Hubspot).
  • 46% of consumers identify rewards video as their preferred method of mobile video advertising. (Shopkick).
  • 64% of consumers say that watching a video on Facebook influenced them to make a purchase (Hubspot).
  • Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined (Wordstream).
  • Brands that use video marketing grow their year over year revenue 49% faster than brands that don’t (Wirebuzz).

Work Method

Bring Your Video Advertising Campaigns to the Next Level 

You need video advertising experts because video ads work differently on the various networks where this smart digital marketing format is available.

What works in the Google Display Network – via display video ads – will not necessarily work on other networks.

Also, ads on YouTube are different from video ads on Facebook. In other words, the DIY approach to video advertising is not the best way to promote your business.

Moreover, we always advise our clients to integrate video advertising with other smart digital marketing strategies to generate even better results in terms of conversions and revenue.

Our approach to video advertising is based on meticulous market research and a deep understanding of the industry.

We are fully transparent in our work process, sitting down with you, face to face, to clarify what strategies work and why they are right for your business.

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